Wim van der Slot – general production manager Rimboe Sauzen
It is immediately obvious on arrival that Rimboe Sauzen has been busy. Gone are the bare, empty production areas and office space from back then. ‘Compared to a couple of years ago, we’ve undergone a total transformation. Our business premises is now properly filled’, says Wim van der Slot, General Manager Production, rightly proud as he leads the way to the production area. They had already figured that three cooking kettles for preparing sauces was not going to be enough, asking Gpi to supply another two cooking kettles in October 2020. Each of these process tanks has a capacity of 2,000 litres, and both come with a high-speed mixer. Another two of the same Gpi kettles were added to the plant in 2021, though this time with a capacity of 3,000 litres each. Wim: ‘Our turnover has tripled since 2019, so the investment in additional cooking kettles is clearly bearing fruit – or in our case, sauces’.